AmeriCare Ambulance Service | 11
Significant to AmeriCare’s success has been
its approach to service, and as Ott says, this
means being prepared to go the extra mile.
“Anybody can transport somebody from
point A to point B, that’s expected. The rea-
son why so many hire us is because we go
the extra mile to deliver what they don’t ex-
pect,” says Ott. That “extra mile” is reflected
in a number of practices. For example, one
Mother’s Day, Ott ordered thousands of
roses which were systematically delivered
to senior residents in communities served
by AmeriCare. He has also routinely volun-
teered in programs at area nursing homes
and has even provided free transportation
services when situations call for it. Insurance
doesn’t pay for taking a bed bound patient to,
say, a funeral, or a wedding, or a grandchild’s
graduation. “We know how important it is
to help bring families together, and for these
occasions we’ll offer free transportation. In
some cases, this may be the last time that
grandma or grandpa may be to participate
in this type of family event, but that par-
ticipation wouldn’t have been possible with-
out someone helping to ensure the person
gets there and back safely. We think it helps
people recognize that we’re a company who
leads with our hearts, that we’re genuine and
really do care about serving others,” says Ott.
Serving others also connotes to antici-
pating needs. Senior healthcare service pro-
viders are routinely challenged to mitigate
dermal injuries be it from bedsores, tears or
abrasions to overly sensitive skin. Recogniz-