Airtronics Metal Products - page 7

Airtronics Metal Products | 7
the decades, it has participated in the creat-
ing of innovations which have profoundly
impacted life.
Parts for semiconductors, consumer elec-
tronics, network infrastructure, as well
as cabinets, enclosures and racks – all of
these are among the products produced
by Airtronics. For a long time, so much of
Airtronics’ efforts were precariously tied
to the tech industry, making it particularly
susceptible to fluctuations in that industry.
When the tech bubble burst, Airtronics was
able to mitigate the impact because it had
foreseen the dangers of being too dependent
on any one industry. It had already begun in-
vesting in equipment that would empower it
to produce new parts for application in other
industries; in fact, Airtronics was among the
first enterprises to capitalize on efficiencies
of new CNC equipment. Throughout the
90s, services evolved to offering the range
of engineering and design support, as well
as the finishing, assembling and packaging
necessary to provide customers with turnkey
solutions. In 2004, Richardson sold Airtron-
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