yses to help their members make smarter de-
Members also receive support through
various networking events, including the as-
sociation’s two conferences – the Annual
Conference event in August and the Mid-
Winter Education Conference later this
month. In the future, the association’s event
support will only grow. “Next year we’re in-
troducing two one-day seminars – one in the
spring and one in the fall – and it’s a funda-
mental seminar for those just coming into
the industry,” says Snyder.
The TACVB also provides its mem-
bers with peer-to-peer idea exchanges, tips
on increasing market growth through new
technology, and “tools to meet the chang-
ing demands of planners and tourists to our
great state of Texas.” Members also receive
education through various LISTSERV’s and
online resources that allow them to access
key information – such as past conferences
and presentations, for example.
“We have to keep the lines of commu-
nication open for peer-to-peer networking,
and sometimes we get just as much educa-
tion talking to one another as we do going to
listen to a paid speaker,” Snyder says. “Mak-
ing sure our members can all communicate is
vital.” To complement their expansive online
resources, TACVB recently introduced “My
TACVB,” which is an online community for
2012 Mid Winter Conferene Laredo TX
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