CCI Automated Technologies | 7
working with employees on the frontlines
that might have unique ideas so we can trans-
late it, as an organization, into the next sales
opportunity or productivity improvement
that brings more value to our client.”
CCI Automated Technologies recently re-
leased their energy analytics product into
the marketplace, which is an example of
their cutting edge capabilities. While the
general product has been available elsewhere
for a number of years, CCI’s version is more
uniquely-valuable because it can be applied
to any building, anywhere, and its price
point is extremely competitive, Costantini
says. “It provides us with new relationship
opportunities, where we can then leverage
that channel to sell other services and broad-
en our business.”
“We’re under development for expanding
the functionality of that tool to include op-
erating analytics and media. By the end of
2013, we expect to have the operating analyt-
ics launched into the marketplace,” he adds.
That type of expansion and development is
typical of what CCI will continue to achieve
going forward. As a full infrastructure tech-
nology company, CCI is positioned for ex-
pansion. Looking ahead, Costantini envi-
sions CCI growing to a national building
automation and infrastructure technology
company that is 10 times their current size.
“We’re a level above anybody else in the mar-
ketplace,” he says. “When you find the most
difficult challenge, the first name you think
of is CCI Automated Technologies because
of the people that we deploy in the market-
place. We will continue to grow that reputa-
tion along with the company.”
Maury Costantini
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