Skyrider Developments | 11
ability is to be flexible, and you never know
what is coming through the door on a daily
basis. There’s a lot of opportunities we can
absorb… and when you have the support and
ability to operate differently as each need de-
mands, I think we can do any business any-
where in world. I’m not actively looking at
international opportunities, but I’ll take it as
it comes. If there are strategic partnerships
that would help us grow, we’ll not rule it
Partnerships have been as important
to SkyRider’s past success as it will be to the
company’s future. Prue credits the work of
his marital partner, Shanel, as a major com-
ponent of SkyRider’s achievements. As a li-
censed real estate broker with expertise in
marketing and sales, Prue says Shanel has
auspiciously augmented company capabili-
ties. Otherwise, as someone who fully em-
braces a “team”mindset, Prue has been both a
coach and team leader in amassing a talented
professional team of industry experts. Their
work isn’t hockey related, even if it sounds
that way when Prue says, “We work in a very
competitive, fast-paced environment, and
it’s not for everyone. But for the people that
thrive on it, it can be very rewarding. We had
to have a few tryouts and made some cuts
along the way, but our team has a good work
ethic, is dedicated to their jobs, and our cor-
porate culture is very healthy.”