Footwear Distributors and Retailers of America | 3
The Footwear Distributors and Retailers
of America (FDRA), is not only the largest
trade organization for the footwear industry,
but also the leading authority representing
retailers, distributors, manufacturers, suppli-
ers and international trade associations in-
volved in the footwear industry.
Based inWashington D.C., FDRA is a
70-year old, not-for-profit organization that
serves members by advocating for the free-
flow of footwear into America, as well as
throughout the world; providing education-
al materials, surveys and programs that keep
members aware of any and all issues which
might impact their business; and participat-
ing in industry affairs while facilitating ac-
tivities that empower members to engage in
business more effectively and efficiently.
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