formation (attributed facts, reports and sta-
tistics) from over 30 Content Contributor
organizations and others that debunk misin-
formation surrounding claims.
Overall, ACORE has found Energy
Fact Check and @EnergyFactCheck to be
extremely valuable resources. Energy Fact
Check has provided key journalists with
the facts needed to write a balanced story
about renewable energy. ACORE has also
reached out to journalists through Letters to
the Editor and Op-eds, pointing to Energy
Fact Check information. Recent efforts have
produced nine editorial pieces in national
and regional publications, and Energy Fact
Check responses to misinformation can be
found in more than thirty publications.
Polls increasingly indicate that a ma-
jority of Americans support clean and re-
newable energy, regardless of political affili-
ation. Though it does not take credit for the
shift in public sentiment, ACORE feels that
Energy Fact Check and @EnergyFactCheck
are helping provide facts that convey the re-
ality that renewable energy is a growing and
successful American industry.