City of Winkler | 3
“All growth depends upon activity,” said Calvin Coolidge. “There is no development physically or intel-
lectually without effort, and effort means work.” With respect to the activities involving housing con-
struction, infrastructure improvements and other developments underway in the Canadian community
of Winkler, residents are indeed benefitting from a range of work, but in this case, it has also involved
considerable effort (and expertise) of the city’s own engineering department.
Surrounded by the Rural Municipality of
Stanley, on the western ridge of the Red Riv-
er Valley, the City of Winkler is not only the
largest of any nestled within a geographic
expanse known as the Pembina Valley, but is
also distinguished as one of the fastest grow-
ing cities among the nine which comprise
the Province of Manitoba. Last year, an anal-
ysis of the increase in new residential con-
struction revealed that Winkler led all oth-
ers in the region. New residential units had
risen 132 percent over the year prior, which