Wing Zone | 3
In promoting practices to pass by competition, the Author and Harvard Business School
Professor Rosabeth Kanter once said, “To stay ahead, you must have your next idea wait-
ing in the wings.” That very notion has been remarkably put to the test and verified true by
two former University of Florida business students who now lead a fast growing franchise
system celebrating a 20th Anniversary this September. Indeed, for investors seeking a fla-
vorful formula for business success, here’s a model that proves the potential for prosperity
is, in fact, waiting in the wings.
Zone wields in the way of food. If chicken
wings aren’t the flavor one savors (such peo-
ple are said to exist) Wing Zone can impart
epicurean excellence through the flavor infu-
sion involving other feasts. For example, the
very honey mustard that makes for a Liquid
Gold gourmet experience of chicken wings
also adds a notable nuance in the noshing
of shrimp; or the spicy sweet tantalization
in Thai Chili Wings can also leave chicken
tenders tingling with flavor; and the very
heat that adds bliss to the Buffalo Bliss can
make for a hamburger not to be missed.
Those who demand a fix in flavor will score
in the Wing Zone and to such a delectable
degree that there’s no wonder as to why the