City of Morden - page 7

City of Morden | 7
and the environmental state of Lake Mani-
toba are concerns that ring throughout the
nation and province respectively.
“We have a five to ten year old plant,” says
Haines, “in which we have a treatment ca-
pacity to provide for the growth in the com-
munity. However, we were struggling with
our surface and drinking water source, sub-
sequently having an impact on our treatment
To counter impacts, city leaders have con-
ducted studies which have since prompted
moving away from lime soda applications to
membrane filtration solutions in their THM
process. Additionally, in their reservoir, they
have replaced their above ground tower to
ensure an increase in capacity.
Lastly, when studying waste water, they
are working with their neighboring City of
Winkler to determine whether a regional,
12-mile long sewage network facilitating the
needs of both cities would make for a good
investment. In Manitoba, the provinces reg-
ulations are becoming more and more rigor-
ous for effluent requirements, so Morden is
looking at either another step in their treat-
ment process or redoing the process entirely.
With one eye on their current community
needs and the other visioning for the future,
Morden has managed to effectively coordi-
nate all “day to day” infrastructure projects
while also developing strategies to further
enhance infrastructure as the community
evolves in the future. Through city leaders’
sheer resolve to act, complemented by their
faith to invest in their home and their ability
to responsibly formulate strategies and part-
nerships that not only prompt growth, but
accommodates that growth; look to Morden
to undertake even more in its evolving of fu-
ture sustainable success.
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