City of Missoula | 15
able to fund many projects through the sav-
ings we achieve through energy and water
conservation,” says Jones.
Among other notable projects, the City
recently cut the ribbon on a new parking
garage which Jones says not only provides a
huge beneficial function for local businesses,
but also makes a statement about the com-
munity’s commitment to renewable energy.
Missoula contracted with Montana-based
solar energy company Sunelco to install a so-
lar array on the roof of this parking facility.
The solar array is the largest installation in
the state and produces some 85 kilowatts of
Carbon emissions continue to be offset
through the lands protected through Mis-
soula’s Open Space program as well as ini-
tiatives that promote the use of mass transit,
carpooling and biking. Prior to taking his
current position with the City, Jones helped
coordinate the City program Missoula in
Motion (MIM), an organization dedicated
to the promotion of sustainable transpor-
tation. MIM’s “Way To Go Club!” is com-
prised today of more than 3,500 members
Missoula’s “Way-to-Go” Club promotes use of public
transportation and car pooling to curb carbon emissions.