Five Star Food Service | 7
Companies typically provide a secure loca-
tion within their operational base (an area to
which the general public does not have ac-
cess) such as a centralized break room. With
as little as 33 feet of wall space, the market
will allow for three beverage coolers, an
eight-foot snack rack, coffee bar and another
small cooler stocked with food items. Five
Star will customize the market layout, mak-
ing it smaller or larger in accordance with the
company’s needs. Market inventory can also
be customized. The market is unmanned and
works on an honor system. Upon selecting
the drink or food, an electronic kiosk helps
process the transaction, but the technology
also with inventory accounting, sending data
as to what has been purchased to a Five Star
representative who routinely restocks appro-
priate merchandise.
For the company, there is no cost associ-
ated with designing and building the market
space, nor is there a cost to maintain it - all
is provided for by Five Star. Since advancing
the micro market concept, Five Star has seen
a significant increase in its sales totals, but
the companies which comprise its customer
base are also reporting significant increases.
McCall says many companies report that af-
ter the micro market has been installed, their
employees are so appreciative as to become
Five Star CFO Jean Bouchard, CEO & President Alan Recher, and
Vice President of Sales &Marketing Gregory McCall