4 | Alberta Transportation
Van Der Meer, Urban Construction Manag-
er at Alberta Transportation, “People are fi-
nally realizing the benefit as few of the proj-
ects are near completion. They have become
more aware of the value of an efficient net-
work of roads and highways and the advan-
tages it brings to not only their businesses
but their daily lives.”
As mentioned, part of Three-Year Con-
struction Program is the ring roads in Ed-
monton and Calgary. The planning for these
roads dates back to the 1970’s when the gov-
ernment purchased land required to build
the roads. The motive behind building the
ring roads was to separate the heavy goods
and services traffic from the inner city high-
ways allowing both the networks to runmore
efficiently. Bill who is managing the design
and construction of the Edmonton ring road
says, “It is like a big puzzle coming together
and it is satisfying to see all the work done in
the past year making a difference.”
For the construction of these ring roads
under the supervision of Alberta Transpor-