City of Cincinnati - page 9

City of Cincinati | 9
save money too,” says Falkin.
There are other benefits in the way of im-
proving air quality. Granted, Cincinnati is
free of conditions that plague communities
from California and Texas to New York, but
it too wrestles with issues unique to its envi-
ronment. Abundant coal means abundance
of energy generated from coal. Though com-
panies employ what Falkin describes as “rea-
sonably good” measures to control air pollu-
tion, it can still be done better. In fact, some
plants are already relying more on a mix of
Cincinnati and Southwest Ohio lead the state in the number
of renewable energy generating sites
y services performance contract.
built at a time when energy and
nts with energy and operational
municipalities over the average
Annual GHGE
City’s Annual
3,437 metric
5,492 metric
8,929 metric
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14
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