Page 8 - Window Genie

| Window Genie
consistently earn it. They offer everything
fromtraining, grand openings, to underclass-
man calls. Underclassmen calls are phone
calls conducted every two weeks, dedicated
to helping new owners with their daily issues
in growth, finance and strategy.
Once a month they also have best practice
calls regarding the higher level issues every-
body in the system can contribute and learn
from. Nonelle says it’s important in general
to make it easy for each owner to interact
and learn from every other owner. “We are
all on the same team,
and look to help each
other grow the busi-
ness as a team”.
To that end, Win-
dow Genie also hosts
a well attended annual
convention in January
at a “destination location.” Those conven-
tions average an 80 percent participation,
against industry averages of sub-50 percent.
Finally, one of the pillars of Window Ge-
nie’s business is Community Citizenship,
and people are drawn to that. In 2010 the