Miracle Ear | 7
their proprietary web-based office manage-
ment system. In addition, each owner is pro-
vided with an individual customized website
as a result of an emerging on-line platform.
When a franchisee first joins the Mir-
acle-Ear family, they undergo a very specific
process to induct them into the business.
That process helps them set up their busi-
ness, manage their business, and come up
with marketing plans. Miracle-Ear is also an
organization of best practice, so owners are
linked with each other to compare their op-
erations and see where they can learn from
each other and improve.
Ongoing support is then provided in
the form of training curriculums at their na-
tional conventions, as well as regional meet-
ings across the country every fall to help
owners develop their business skills. Also,
they provide in-person product training
twice a year as new product technologies are
Today, Miracle-Ear’s hearing aids are
manufactured by Siemens Medical Solu-
tions, a leading supplier to the healthcare
industry. Siemens is committed to staying at
the cutting edge of hearing solution technol-
ogy – a commitment that benefits Miracle-
Ear and all of their franchisees. “Technologi-
cal advances in the industry are significant,
so it’s good for us to have a strong worldwide
partner,” Beaufils says.
As a result of their partnership with
Siemens, Miracle-Ear is able to constantly
release new products with technological ad-
vances. Recent additions to their product