Epcon Homes & Communities | 9
an Epcon franchise is for a business person
to get into this lucrative business, with all the
systems and marketing assets made available
to them, to drive a greater number of sales,”
says TimRini, Vice President at EpconCom-
munities Franchising.
In addition, franchise partners are
drawn to Epcon due to the market demo-
graphic they have successfully targeted. De-
mographic statistics indicate that approxi-
mately 10,000 people turn 50 years old each
day. Epcon Communities’ franchisees pro-
vide the homes and lifestyles those buyers are
ECFI provides its Franchisees with current
training, information, and best practices as it
effects their industry, making it more conve-
nient for the Builder Partners to have the lat-
est information influencing their businesses.
Epcon Communities Franchising of-
fers orientation programs for new Franchise
Build Partners, construction personnel, and
sales professionals, which is organized and
facilitated by ECFI’s in-house Training and
Development Manager.