Sea Tow | 3
They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these
see…” the Book of Psalms so notes, both works and wonders. No doubt, navigat-
ing opportunities in the ocean of life can leave one sinking with wonder about
what works. But Ahoy! When it comes to matters in the marine industry, there is
a sea-faring sensation making waves while doing business in waters great, and
sometimes grave. Charting a course for success, in this case, includes towing cer-
tain entrepreneurial opportunities that might just float your prospective boat.
he return on investment, as a by-
product of business, is a quantita-
tively natural, and nautical, aspect
of expectations among franchisees of Sea
Tow Services International, Inc., a company
headquartered on Long Island in the town
of Southold, New York. Yet, many can at-
test returns are not only measured in terms
of revenue, for there is another enriching ex-
tent that comes from being afforded the rar-
est kind of realizations; the kind that comes
from direct acknowledgement as to how
one’s effort in enterprise can genuinely profit
the lives of others, when their need for help
is most critical.
Just consider the case of a family