Jarrett Logistics Systems | 9
tracts, and more. In fact, its relationships in
industry are now so extensive that they are
able to leverage their buying power in such a
way that it allows customers to drastically re-
duce transports costs they would otherwise
encounter operating on their own.
And it is this, the sense of saving, that
really matters in the end at JLS. For all the
technology, reports and accounting of deliv-
eries made or merchandise allocated, Frank
says their focus is about saving money, saving
time and saving their customers from head-
In terms of the future, he says JLS will
continue to invest in the development of
leading edge logistics software” and work to
further develop new relationships with “high
growth companies” which can uniquely ben-
efit from their services.
He says those initiatives will continue
to be implemented by individuals with the
utmost integrity, who do not simply see
themselves in terms of being in the driver’s
seat, as market masters behind the steering
wheel, but rather, as stewards of service – a
philosophy that will certainly allow JLS to
log so many more miles on the road of suc-