Franchise Concept Inc. | 3
A single picture is said to be worth a thousand words,
but as art-involved endeavors go, Franchise Concepts,
Inc. (FCI) is an enterprise that offers that many rea-
sons - and more- to focus on the fundamentals that
help frame it as a market masterpiece among franchis-
es specializing in the retail of wall art, alluring acces-
sories and custom framing services.
In the United States, consumer demand for home-
and-office décor is estimated to generate close to $30
billion per year. FCI has staked an enviable claim in
both American and Canadian markets through the
galvanization of three succinct store brands respec-
tively recognized as Deck theWalls, The Great Frame
Up and Framing & Art Centre.
Sharing some history, FCI Vice President of
Franchise Development Dave Dahl explains that
these brands, when they originally opened in the