Franchise Concept Inc. | 11
some cases, going as far as helping to nego-
tiate better leasing prices from commercial
property landlords. They have also helped
secure cost effective insurance rates or re-
duced fees for credit card processing.
You don’t last 41 years if you’re not
taking care of your franchisees… that simply
has got to be our focus. It always has been
and will continue to be,” says Dahl.
With the technology, training and on-
going mentoring, FCI enables almost any-
one to get into the business. Dahl says he has
seen franchises launched by everyone from
nuclear physicists and plumbers to other
professionals who retired from one career
only to start another. Good communica-
tion and customer service skills are the key
components, says Dahl. “We can teach ev-
erything else.” FCI currently has more than
stores throughout the US and Canada,
and Dahl says that number is expected to
climb to 200 over the next few years. The
company is constantly, but carefully, looking
to connect with new franchisees and new
opportunities, while adhering to proven for-
mulas for success involving customer service,
community involvement, incorporation of
cutting-edge technology, quality inventory
and quality operators for the franchises. This
is the framework that helps FCI maintain a
picture-perfect pose for further prosperity.