| Contrarian Metal Resources
how successful the execution is, and there are
many who appreciate us for that.”
When we started our company, the notion
of a stainless steel building envelope was al-
most ridiculous,” Halliday recalls. “I think
what we’ve managed to do is convert that
thought to ‘Yes, stainless is great, but it’s ex-
pensive.’ I think that’s a massive conversion.
We’ve got it recognized as a credible build-
ing material.”
In five to 10 years, CMR would like
to achieve another market-wide conversion
in thought. Instead of ‘Stainless is expensive,
and I can’t afford it,’ they want the popular
line of thinking to be ‘The best value build-
ing envelope is stainless steel.’
I believe that to be absolutely true,”
Halliday says. “It’s just a matter of convert-
ing people’s thought over to that new point
of view, and that’s where I want to see this
company in five to 10 years. At that point,
extraordinary economic and business suc-