4 | Professional Beauty Association
nine of the last eleven years. With more
than 900,000 operating establishments and
annual sales approximating $40 billion, the
beauty industry represents a beautiful chunk
of America’s economy, and so much like hair
and fingernails, it is expected to keep grow-
“Beauty is truth, truth is beauty… and
that is all ye need know,” wrote Keats. When
it comes to true support, information, edu-
cation and honest-to-goodness service on
behalf of those in this industry, all you need
to know is the Professional Beauty Associa-
tion (PBA). Since merging with the National
Cosmetology Association in 2010, PBA has
emerged as the industry’s largest trade asso-
ciation, and their focus isn’t limited solely to
hair stylists and cosmetologists; as a broad-
based trade group, they also represent spe-
cialty manufacturers, supply chain enterpris-
es and salon owners. Their work also benefits
“Our underlying goal is to advance
our industry,” says PBA’s Executive Director
Steve Sleeper. In so doing that advancement
is manifested in PBA’s input on developing
ISSE LB 12 - model 10 J's Hair Studio
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