City of North Port | 9
says Lewis. “We want to be environmentally
sustainable, but whatever we do also has to
be fiscally sustainable, does it allow for eco-
nomic return, and is it socially sustainable, it
has to be beneficial to our citizens.”
In that this greening “hits all portions
of city services,” Lewis says the beneficial im-
pact on citizens of North Port is measured
beyond terms of tax-savings. The City actu-
ally provided means for some 400 families
to directly realize savings in monthly en-
ergy costs. It all began when the city won a
federal Energy Efficiency & Conservation
Block Grant valued at almost half a million
dollars. In partnership with Sarasota County
and the cities of Sarasota and Venice, North
Port implemented a program to provide en-
ergy audits for homeowners who registered
to participate in the project. Following the
audits, homeowners received financial assis-
tance in making necessary renovations, such
as replacing outdated air-conditioning or
lighting systems, making use of solar-pow-
ered water heaters, or installing new imple-
ments such as wall-socket gaskets that help
prevent air leakage. Other residents were
Tom Jones,
City Commission Chair