8 | Jon’Ric International
A franchisee isn’t required to have
previous business experience because the
company provides them with the necessary
training, support and manuals to handle
day-to-day operations, and any issues they
may encounter. “We take someone who’s
never been an entrepreneur before and give
them an A-Z step-by-step manual with what
to do, how they do it and what they do next,”
Rando says. “We show them the ropes.”
Franchisees are initially supported
with a one-week training program they can
either take at their headquarters in Florida
or are provided with one or two trainers to
come to their location if they’re outside the
state and have a significant number of staff.
“This way they’re not only training the own-
er, but they can be training the whole staff,”
Rando says.
Every six months, Jon’Ric Interna-
tional will send someone from corporate to
the franchisee’s location to check on their
progress or to make changes or recommen-
dations. “The beauty of our franchise is you
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