Boston Pizza | 7
zation,” says Chief Operating Officer Ken
Otto. “We hire people that are very aligned
with our culture.” Otto explains that poten-
tial franchisees MUST “come to the table
demonstrating a very high level of success
from something in their own life.” That suc-
cess can come from running or owning a suc-
cessful enterprise, or maintaining some type
of leadership role at another successful com-
pany (not necessarily relating to restaurants).
Boston Pizza partners with those that have
been proven professionally, those who have
secured not only enviable experience, but
also a significant amount of net worth. Fi-
nancial security is fundamental because the
average Boston Pizza franchisee makes an in-
vestment of at least two million dollars.
Otto also assures that their brand of
franchisee is anything but frivolous when it
comes to investment strategy. “They’re com-
mitting a significant investment, so they’re
looking for successful track record and we
have one that no other casual dining chain
can match, whether it is our system sales
growth, same store sales growth, or new store
sales growth. That track record gives them a
great deal of comfort,” says Otto.
In addition to being Canada’s only ca-
sual dining brand that has financially pros-
pered in every province, Boston Pizza has
routinely achieved national recognition for
its professional practices. Distinctions have
included it being heralded among the best
places to work as well as Top-10 ranking for
“Most Admired Corporate Culture” – an
honor that recognizes Canadian organiza-
New store design rendering from exterior.
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