The Boardroom Salon | 7
The first constituent is the client, and by
providing an experience rather than simply
a commodity, The Boardroom has enjoyed
significant client retention and loyalty. “It’s
the very cool ambience, and outstanding cli-
ent service and teamwork that helps create
clients for life,” Bruce says.
The second constituent is employees. “The
compensation, training, empowered work
environment and professional growth allows
us to attract and retain the highest quality
employees in the industry,” Bruce says.Third-
ly, The Boardroom’s business model exceeds
the expectations of landlords. “The elegance
of our salons, the clients that our salons at-
tract, and the services our salons provide are
highly desirable to landlords, and provide us
the ability to strategically position our salons
in the best locations in every market.”
The fourth and final constituent is fran-
chisees – with each benefitting from all the
training, marketing materials, operational
support and products that The Boardroom
has successfully used and refined to capture
Bruce Schultz, Founder