Locust information meetings at Halls Gap


REGION – Australian Plague Locusts moved into the area last week, swarming and laying eggs in the region, as well as causing havoc for golfers and motorists over the Christmas weekend.

Residents will have the chance to learn more about the risk of and response to locusts during a meeting in Halls Gap.

State Locust director David Brennan said rural properties of all sizes in the Grampians region were at risk from locust damage and all landholders should report any swarming or egg beds on their properties to the DPI Locust Hotline.

“Egg-laying over the coming weeks by locusts may see a second generation of hatchings occurring in the Grampians region towards mid or late January,” Mr Brennan said.

“After hatching, land managers need to be prepared to control locust hoppers during the second and third instar phase, when the young insects band together typically two to three weeks after hatching, depending on daily temperatures.

“The Grampians community can find out more information about the biology of Australian Plague Locusts, dealing with adult swarms and preparing for hopper treatment during meetings at the Halls Gap Cricket Pavilion on January 5,” he said.

A rebate for chemicals used to treat locusts is available to landholders whose properties are located in a Farming Zone, Rural Activity Zone, Rural Living Zone or Rural Conservation Zone in the Northern Grampians Shire and Southern Grampians Shire.

Small scale landholders without access to spray equipment may need to work with their neighbors or contact a licensed commercial operator.

In addition, Grampians landholders can read the industry specific fact sheets that list suitable chemical products eligible for the rebate on the Department of Primary Industries’ website at

There are also fact sheets on driving safely through a locust swarm and protecting home gardens, or seek expert advice from a chemical reseller or agronomist as to which chemical best suits their situation, and only use chemicals according to the label, keep accurate records and observe all withholding periods.

Source: www.