The New BlackBerry 10

The New BlackBerry 10

The New BlackBerry 10

After much consumer anticipation, and equally fervent corporate expectations, BlackBerry has unveiled two new products that should find their way to the market in the coming days.

The Z10 and the Q10 are lines of the new BlackBerry 10 which has been enhanced with a new operating system that still incorporates the features which once helped secure its distinction as the most popular smartphone in the market.

Features include BBM video which enables uses to share their device screen with another BlackBerry 10 user. A Hub feature allows users to glimpse at incoming messages and provide a swipe reply without interfering with whatever they may have already been doing. A BlackBerry Balance feature enables users to switch between work and personal uses modes. The models are also reportedly featuring a better camera, original apps and support from the varied social media platforms.

BlackBerry 10 devices are anticipated to be widely available and distributed by major U.S. carriers by early March.